Revision History for ShortKeys 3

If you currently have a license for ShortKeys 3, upgrade now to ShortKeys 4.

  1. Updated the uninstaller. The previous uninstaller is now being blocked from running by Windows.
  2. Signed with the latest code signing certificate for enhanced security and trust.
  3. Bug fixes and other changes.
  4. Updated to work better with Adobe Acrobat.


  1. Updated the Delay command to be compatible with more computers.
  2. Updated the Quick Start Guide. The Quick Start Guide is now only automatically displayed once.
  3. The default macro file (shortkeys3.shk) and Crash Report files now default to the folder Documents\Insight Software\ShortKeys 3\.
  4. By default backups of macro files are now copied to Documents\Insight Software\ShortKeys 3\Backups\.
  5. Advanced Installation now converts lower case letters in the LICENSECODE to all uppercase.
  6. Updated the installation programs.

Bugs Fixed

  1. Updated code signing certificate.
  2. Fixed security vulnerability CVE-2014-0994 relating to bitmap images.


  1. Added a panel to the Modify Keys window that describes what to type to play back the shortkey.
  2. Added ‘Delay after keystroke down’ option to improve reliability of playback.
  3. Changes to improve the reliability of playback.
  4. Renamed Invalid Characters to Solitary Usage Separator Characters in the preferences.
  5. Updated the options on the General tab of the Playback preferences to more accurately represent how the settings are used.
  6. The Solitary Usage Separator Characters now apply when Use Prefix Keys and Solitary Usage are used in addition to when Use Suffix Keys and Solitary Usage are used.
  7. The Use Suffix Keys option now utilizes the Solitary Usage setting.

Bugs Fixed

  1. Exported shortkeys are now always set to the Unassigned category.
  2. Fixed a bug when Use Prefix Keys along with non-blank prefix keys are set that prevented a shorkey activation when the prefix was entered twice.
  3. Other programs no longer freeze up while the license dialog is displayed.
  4. Fixed an issue that could occur when launching another program.
  5. Fixed a problem that could occur where if a macro file was temporarily unavailable, a new file with 0 bytes was created.


  1. Enhanced the Alt-Key Sequence feature to allow entry of Alt Key Codes using hexadecimal values.
  2. Enhanced the Alt-Key Sequence feature to support the legacy method to enter Alt Key Codes.
  3. When the Alt-Key Sequence button is clicked from the Symbols dialog the Keypad Numbers field is now populated with 0128 through 0255. 
  4. Added UAC message when ‘Save settings as defaults for all users’.
  5. Export Program Configuration now exports preferences from HKLM even when the program is not running with elevated privileges (administrator mode).
  6. If the shortkeys file path is in the user’s Documents directory a virtual value is saved so the path can be portable between different computers and users.
  7. The About box now shows ShortKeys Portable when appropriate.
  8. A more descriptive warning is displayed if a license for the portable version is entered into the standard version of the program and vice versa.

Bugs Fixed
  1. Fixed problem with the Wait before sending backspaces setting.
  2. Fixed a problem that caused the Quick Start Guide to be displayed for new users when the setting in HKLM should prevent it.
  3. Fixed a problem where the First Time preference is not included when the Program Configuration is exported and imported.
  4. The RUNQUIET installation option now suppresses the Quick Install Wizard.
  5. Fixed a problem that could cause a problem with the LICENSENAME and LICENSECODE advanced installation options.
  1. Changed Restore Toolbars to Restore Toolbars & Window Positions.
  2. Fixed a problem where the included and excluded dictionary words were not being saved on ShortKeys Portable.
  3. Fixed a bug in the shortkey editor where the text wasn’t being highlighted during a find.
  4. Added Esc to the available miscellaneous keys.
  5. The Find/Replace form now comes up in the same position as the last time it was used.
  6. The font for items in the categories column is now set the same as the list of shortkeys according to the Explorer Font preference setting.
  7. Changed popup mode to allow dialogs that come up to be displayed on top more often.
  8. The last 10 entries in the find dialog are now remembered and reusable.
  9. Fixed a problem where the portable version was not remembering the license when used with remote desktop connection.
  1. A portable version is now available for use with portable flash devices.
  2. Optimized help menu options.
  3. The Restore Toolbars option now works correctly.
  4. The letter j is now allowed in the Custom choice of Replace Word if the Use J Suffix option is not selected.
  1. Made a change that makes activating a shortkey more reliable.
  2. Fixed a problem with Import Program Configuration.
  3. The First Time wizard will no longer allow the selection of Invalid Characters in the Prefix Keys field.
  4. Fixed several problems with importing shortkeys from a text file.
  5. Fixed bugs when printing multiple copies of a shortkey macro.
  6. Fixed a bug when printing multiple copies of the list of shortkeys.
  7. Added a right click menu to the replacement text edit box.
  8. The total amount of memory installed on the computer is now reported correctly in the event of a crash.
  9. Fixed a problem with Export and then Import Program Configuration that occurred when & is part of a macro file name.
  10. Exporting and importing the program configuration no longer generates an error when the macro file contains accented characters.
  11. Updated the backup dialog.
  12. The backup dialog now appears above the notification area when the backup occurs automatically. It appears centered on the screen when the user clicks to perform a backup.
  13. The backup routine will no longer attempt to back up a macro file if the filename is blank.
  14. The option to backup when the program starts is now disabled by default.
  1. Now, the first time a new shortkey file is entered it defaults to the My Documents folder instead of the folder where ShortKeys is installed. Subsequent new files default to the folder where the last new file was saved.
  2. The file extension for new shortkey files is automatically set to .shk.
  3. Enhanced the message that is displayed when the ‘Run when Windows starts up’ preference is changed and while waiting for the user to click on the UAC prompt.
  4. Added a delay before the key up to release modifier keys.
  5. The file association for the .shk file extension set by the installer now works.
  6. Importing a Program Configuration file (.wcfg) file without a QuickStart section no longer causes an error message.
  7. Fixed a crash that would occur if program is closed after the ‘Run when Windows starts up’ preference is changed and while waiting for user to click on the UAC prompt.
  8. Fixed a problem that occurred when the ‘Ask user to add file or close all files when opening a new file’ is disabled and ‘Close open macro files before loading another macro file’ is enabled.
  1. Optimized the rich edit font size selection.
  2. All open macro files are now included in the list of most recently used macro files.
  3. The program will remember up to 10 of the most recently used macro files.
  4. Added the ability to change the backspace delays from the preferences.
  5. The Text Type delay is now used when sending backspaces to remove the shortkey activation.
  6. There are now very small delays used before and after the backspaces are typed to remove the shortkey activation.
  7. Updated the Quick Setup Wizard to better explain the options.
  8. Restore Toolbars now resets the column widths and the size and position of the main program window.
  9. Editing options are disabled if the logged on user does not have permission to alter the macro file.
  10. The filepath of the macro file changes color if the logged on user does not have permission to alter the macro file.
  11. When a macro file that is set to Read Only is loaded the list of shortkey macros is gray.
  12. Added ‘Close open macro files before loading another macro file’ option to the preferences.
  13. Added support for persistent macro files.
  14. When a shortkeys file in an older version is converted, a backup file is created with a name that indicates that it is an older version.
  15. All open macro files are now included in the list of most recently used macro files.
  16. Changed the default prefix key sequence to // instead of an empty string.
  17. Updated the help.
  18. Removed buttons that were displayed in the rich text font selection dropdown.
  19. Fixed a problem that occurred when creating a new macro category where the new category was listed twice.
  20. Made a change to prevent a crash when very large numbers are entered into the rich edit font size dialog.
  21. Fixed a problem exporting and importing shortkeys containing Rich Text.
  22. The program will no longer crash when a macro file is loaded that is set read only.
  23. Fixed a problem where the filenames in the categories pane could be confused.
  24. Fixed a bug with the QUICKSTARTNOW and LAUNCHNOW silent install options.
  25. Fixed the cause of a crash that could occur when ShortKeys shuts down and a shortkey has been modified and the editor is open.
  26. Fixed a rare crash that occurred when displaying the About box.
  27. Fixed the cause of a crash that occurred when importing shortkeys from a text file that contained errors.
  28. Fixed the cause of a crash that could occur when exporting shortkeys to a text file.
  29. Fixed a range check error that occurred when the contents of the clipboard have changed.
  1. Fixed several crashes in the ‘RICHED20.DLL’ library.
  1. Added an option to display the ‘Open File Dialog’ prompt.
  2. Removed the option to turn on the file associations.
  3. Fixed a bug where any newly created categories would not always appear until the program had been restarted.
  4. Fixed a bug where the list of shortkeys would sometimes display the rich text formatting code.
  5. Fixed a crash that occurred when the list of shortkeys contained a shortkey which uses rich text.
  6. Fixed a crash that occurred when a shortkey file is corrupt. The user will be informed that there was an error reading the file.
  7. Fixed a crash that occurred when the category information was refreshed.
  8. Fixed an access violation that occurred when opening a shortkey.
  9. Fixed a crash that occurred when creating a new category.
  1. Added the ability to paste richtext into programs that support richtext.
  2. Added ‘Save settings as defaults for all users’ feature.
  3. The Quick Start Guide can now be disabled for all users via a setting in HKLM.
  4. The help file has been changed with an updated look and feel.
  5. Removed the option to turn on the file associations.
  6. Hooked up the help file to every dialog.
  7. Fixed a bug where some shortkeys would be played back repeatedly if they played back their activations.
  8. Fixed a problem backing up macro files with uppercase letters in the macro file extension.
  9. Fixed the cause of a crash.
  1. When launching a second instance of ShortKeys 3, a message will be displayed.
  2. When upgrading from ShortKeys 2 to ShortKeys 3, the original file will be preserved and a copy will be converted to version 3’s format.
  3. Added the ability to sort on all of the explorer columns.
  4. Modified the printing of a single shortkey.
  5. ShortKeys 3 can no longer be run at the same time as ShortKeys 2.
  6. Changed the default file for new installs to ShortKeys3.shk.
  7. Fixed a problem where the position of the main window would move after exiting the preferences dialog.
  8. All shortkeys files are loaded after Import Program Configuration.
  9. Fixed a bug where the program would only run a single shortkey.
  10. Fixed the /F command line parameter.
  11. Fixed Export Program Configuration and Import Program Configuration.
  12. The ‘System Tray Icon Only’ preference is now only available when the ‘Place in System Tray’ option is enabled.
  13. Fixed a problem where some files would not load into ShortKeys properly and cause an I/O error.
  14. Fixed a crash that occurred when importing a shortkey a file and not all of the shortkeys are being imported.
  15. Fixed a crash that occurred when resetting the preferences back to their defaults.
  16. Fixed a crash that occurred when converting a shortkey that contains no replacement text.
  17. Fixed a crash that occurred when opening a corrupted shortkey file.
  18. Fixed the cause of a ‘File Access Denied’ crash that could occur when trying to backup a file.
  1. The width of the Notes column is now saved and restored.
  2. The width of the Categories pane is now saved and restored.
  3. Fixed a bug where the categories would be duplicated if a category was added to a collapsed category.
  4. Fixed the CONFIGFILEPATH advanced installation option.
  5. Fixed a crash that occurred when selecting a category.

Multiple files open at the same time
Now, more than one macro (.shk) file may be open at the same time. For corporate users, one set of corporate macros may be open and users may also have a customized set of shortkeys open as well. Both may be used without having to open and close files.

Categories to sort shortkeys
Sort the shortkeys into categories to easily find the macros.

Larger size limit per shortkey
Each shortkey can now contain 65,536 characters. The limit in previous was 3000 characters.

Wait for Key Press
The Wait for Keypress function causes the shortkey to pause during playback to allow for user input. Press the key assigned to resume the macro.

Shortkey Delay Feature
Insert delays in the shortkey playback to allow for Windows timing issues or to delay for user input.

Scope setting
Optionally assign the shortkeys to play back in a specific window or windows, rather than defaulting to play back in all programs.

Automatic Backups
Options are available to automatically back up the shortkey macro (.shk) file. A convenient way to keep the data safe.

Shortkey Notes
Insert notes about specific shortkeys to provide any additional details required. The notes are displayed in the ShortKeys window with the other shortkey information.

Modified Date Information
A column in the ShortKeys window displays the last date modified for each shortkey in the file.


Other changes

  1. Modified to work better with Windows Vista and Windows 7.
  2. Added the RUNQUIET advanced installation option.
  3. The system tray icon is now restored if Windows Explorer restarts.
  4. Added command line parameters option in the preferences.
  5. Double clicking in a blank area of the shortkey list will display the “New ShortKey” dialog.
  6. Added a warning message that comes up when the Reset Page button is clicked in the preferences.
  7. If the filepath is changed in the preferences for one of the include/exclude dictionary files the program now asks if any existing files should be copied to the new filepath.
  8. The first time the program starts, if a dictionary include/exclude file exists from ShortKeys 2 the program now offers to copy the files for use with ShortKeys 3.
  9. Added an error message to the “Export” dialog when the user attempts to export to a file already opened in ShortKeys.
  10. Fixed a bug where the program could be opened multiple times.
  11. Fixed a crash that occurred when closing a file.
  12. Fixed a crash that would occur in the date/time command when processing an invalid date or time format.