Command Line Parameters
Command Line Parameters are commands that can be passed to the program when the program is first run. The following options are available:
/B (Browse Mode) |
Places ShortKeys in a browse mode where the macro data cannot be modified. Changes can be made to the configurations such as program activation key, screen size, etc. In addition, different macro files can be loaded in. |
/BA (Browse All Mode) |
Places ShortKeys in a browse mode where nothing can be changed. The only option given to the user is to terminate the program. |
/C (Case Sensitivity) |
Turns on the Case Sensitivity option. |
/CC (Clipboard) |
Sets the shortkey playback setting to Use Clipboard For All. |
/CK (Keyboard) |
Sets the shortkey playback setting to Use Keyboard For All. |
/F<FileName> (Load Macro File) |
Specify a specific macro file for loading on startup of ShortKeys. <Filename> is replaced with the macro file name. A full path along with the "SHK" extension on the file name must be used. |
Prevents the ShortKeys window from running on program startup. |
/IC<FileName> Imports Program Configuration |
Load in the program configuration settings on startup of ShortKeys. If more than one user shares a computer, each user could have their configuration settings loaded in when they start up ShortKeys. Each individual user would need to create their own startup shortcut in order to do this. |
/N (Network) |
Turns on the program's Network Mode. |
/Pxx (Prefix Key) |
This option sets the current Prefix Key where "xx" should be substituted with a valid prefix key. Invalid prefix keys are ignored. |
/S (Synchronize Network) |
This option is functional only if the Network Mode is active. It turns on the network synchronization option. |
Displays the main ShortKeys window on program startup. |
/SMxx (Synchronization Minutes) |
This option is functional only if the Network Mode is active. "xx" should be substituted with the number of minutes (frequency) that macro file synchronization should take place. Valid values are from 1 minute to 99 minutes. |
/SOL (Solitary Usage) |
Turns on the Solitary Usage option. |
/T (Notification Area) |
Places an icon in the Windows Notification Area. |
/UP (Prefix Key) |
Turns on the Prefix Key usage. |
/US (Suffix Key) |
Turns on the Suffix Key usage. |
üNote: Each of these options allows for a quick and easy setup for network considerations. For example, users can be restricted from changing ShortKey data utilizing one of the browse modes. This allows manageable uniformity across the network. All users can access the same ShortKey file using the "Load Macro File" option so that no configuration is required by first running the program. Network usage can be enforced using the "Network" option, etc.
The Options > Preferences > Startup panel provides a method for inserting any of the command line parameters required at startup.